Response to Mis/Dis Information

Ria Antony
2 min readOct 18, 2020
  1. What is a “Deep Fake”?

A deepfake is a fake photo/video that is created using artificial intelligence technology. It is essentially a computer-made image of a face placed on a head in a real image/video and is similar to the face swap filter on Snapchat. To make a deepfake, a program that makes deepfakes has to first be given images of the person one wants to create a deepfake of. Next, the program will analyze the images, and using machine learning, will recreate the person’s face. The recreation of the face is then put on the head (or head and body) of another person in another video or photo (or another video or photo of the same person).

2. What might be a concern for society in the future assuming the technology around “Deep Fakes” continues to improve and “Deep Fakes” become easier to create?

There are two main concerns for society in the future if deepfakes become easier to create and more realistic looking. One concern is that if deepfakes are too realistic, people may use deepfakes as blackmail, fake evidence, or to simply cause turmoil. This is a big concern because many people tend to trust visual evidence a lot. Another concern is that if deepfakes become very common, many people might have a hard time trusting photos and videos. This is an issue because videos and images are a powerful tool when it comes to seeking the truth. For example, many police brutality instances in America were exposed because people recorded them and posted them online. However, if deepfakes become too easy to create and too realistic, the power videos and photos have can go away because they will no longer be trustworthy.

